These flash games looked good, I played more older games that look mostly terrible now

I probably played more games than these, but these are the only I can remember:
All games on DivaStarz's site, I remember a dress up game and a adventure-like game in a labyrinth, it had these two versions of the dolls and I think that I played on both. For a bit of backstory, these dolls were never sold in my country so I have no idea how I found this site (I think that the site was English only too, but I might be mistaken, which is even weirder because I didn't know a word of English when I was a kid lol). I remember that I played it when I was 7-8 but couldn't remember the name or anything so I find by chance on reddit in 2019.
The Barbie's site games, I used to play then on computing class when I was 6
Polly pocket's site games, the same as the Barbie games, but I think that I liked Polly's site best.
Summer Resort. A adventure like game that you had to refresh the whole page when you take a step lol I probably played a lot of these Cartoon Network's games, but this was my favourite.
Trick or Treat, another Cartoon Network adventure game. This game had no relation whatsoever of the cartoons and was totally original. I also loved it, probably the first game I cleared lol
Numbuh Generator. I loved KND as a kid and in the 5th grade my class had a KND fad, where everyone would talk about the cartoon and pretend to be a character, once someone said that I was supposed to be the cat lady and I got annoyed because she was a old lady lol My favourite was number 3 btw, so I tried to recreate her in the game, but I didn't like it much because I thought that the characters would always turn ugly.
Rinmaru games (pictured is one of my rpg characters that I made in one rpg character make), I would love using the rpg character creators for my own rpg characters.
I think this one was called Mydreamself, and it was a character creator too and it was animated. I also used it for creating my rpg characters, unfortunately the site is defunct
Also this stupid "AI" chat game: that I played around in 2012-2013.