1. Barry Allen: The Flash

I drew this one about a month ago while I was on vacation with my family. I really wanted to try an Oekaki/Flipnote-inspired look and I really love how this came out! I plan on using this art style a lot more in the future, too.
2. Cloud Watching In Smallville

As I said in my introduction, I really love Clark Kent. I recently finished an amazing comic of his and have been watching Superman: The Animated series. This is my very first self-insert/yume piece and I am very proud of it. The backstory behind this drawing is that he took me to Smallville (his hometown in Kansas) so I could meet his family and then we watched the clouds together afterward. As you can see, we aren’t exactly looking at the clouds anymore.

I am looking to grow and improve as an artist so feedback is heavily appreciated. I mostly want to improve my shading (like I want to have a more "painted"(?) look I guess...? Not the hyper-realistic type but the softer type like you see on a lot of Tumblr art if that makes sense) and lighting. I also think my coloring looks a bit boring so different techniques you might think are fitting for my art would be very helpful. Thank you! I hope you enjoy.