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Halloween / Fall

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2024 8:01 pm
by AngelEyeSprings
Wow, it's already the 15th! :?
  • Any plans? Seeing friends? Going to a party? Trick or Treating? :D
  • Costumes?
  • What are some good scary movie recs for this time of year?
  • Any plans for Thanksgiving (or any non-American fall holiday equivalent)?
  • Enjoying any fall foods? Pumpkins, apples, squash, spice?
  • Fall activities? Seeing family? Slowing down? Going out in nature?
I'm excited for Halloween, but I'll *probably* just stay home and watch scary movies with a buddy :D I want to see something actually scary or at least interesting since I don't really get scared lol. I've been enjoying the weather when I've had free time, but it's still hot af lol. I've been making more and more stews / soups and have been mellowing down since summer. Or just becoming more lazy lol. Excited to eat food and see family for Thanksgiving. I want to carve a pumpkin into Karl Pilkington's head lol

Re: Halloween / Fall

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2024 11:46 pm
by CooperationIsKey
No plans, not really. Might watch some horror movies or something. Maybe together with friends on discord.

The only 'costume' I have is a cosplay I've been slowly working on, but I might wear what I have of it so far, idk.

Hocus Pocus is one of my favorites, though it's not really SCARY scary, lol. I need to watch the sequel still!

I have no idea if anything's going on with my family for thanksgiving or not; I don't usually find out until a few days before tbh. XD

I love pumpkin spice but I haven't had much this year. I'd love to have an iced latte at least before the season is over.

I live in Florida so there's not really much of a "fall" here, lol, but I'll just be happy when the weather does finally cool off a bit. :)

Re: Halloween / Fall

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2024 1:54 am
by celestefem
Howdy! :)

I’m gonna be going to my aunt’s and playing Euchre on Halloween (we’ve been doing it the last Thursday of every night, so it’s just a coincidence that this one is also Halloween). I don’t think I’m going to bother with a full costume or anything, but I’ve been thinking about making a little spider brooch to wear or something for the holiday spirit.

Yeah, I don’t really get scared, either. The only movies that have gotten me are Fire in the Sky (1993) and The Stepford Wives (1975)… I also remember the Omen series being pretty good.

Like Key, I’m not sure what my family’s doing for Thanksgiving yet.

I found some really good pumpkin white chocolate muffins at the store earlier! Otherwise, I’ve been daydreaming about making some pumpkin soup, but haven’t gotten around to it. Soups & stews are so good… <3

Re: Halloween / Fall

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2024 2:36 am
by mima
Halloween isn't a big thing here (not to mention Thanksgiving lol) so I don't have plans other than to take an exam. I used to want to go trick-or-treating when I was a child but was never allowed to. :cry: It would have been so much fun.