Halloween / Fall

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Halloween / Fall

Post by AngelEyeSprings »

Wow, it's already the 15th! :?
  • Any plans? Seeing friends? Going to a party? Trick or Treating? :D
  • Costumes?
  • What are some good scary movie recs for this time of year?
  • Any plans for Thanksgiving (or any non-American fall holiday equivalent)?
  • Enjoying any fall foods? Pumpkins, apples, squash, spice?
  • Fall activities? Seeing family? Slowing down? Going out in nature?
I'm excited for Halloween, but I'll *probably* just stay home and watch scary movies with a buddy :D I want to see something actually scary or at least interesting since I don't really get scared lol. I've been enjoying the weather when I've had free time, but it's still hot af lol. I've been making more and more stews / soups and have been mellowing down since summer. Or just becoming more lazy lol. Excited to eat food and see family for Thanksgiving. I want to carve a pumpkin into Karl Pilkington's head lol
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Re: Halloween / Fall

Post by CooperationIsKey »

No plans, not really. Might watch some horror movies or something. Maybe together with friends on discord.

The only 'costume' I have is a cosplay I've been slowly working on, but I might wear what I have of it so far, idk.

Hocus Pocus is one of my favorites, though it's not really SCARY scary, lol. I need to watch the sequel still!

I have no idea if anything's going on with my family for thanksgiving or not; I don't usually find out until a few days before tbh. XD

I love pumpkin spice but I haven't had much this year. I'd love to have an iced latte at least before the season is over.

I live in Florida so there's not really much of a "fall" here, lol, but I'll just be happy when the weather does finally cool off a bit. :)
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Re: Halloween / Fall

Post by celestefem »

Howdy! :)

I’m gonna be going to my aunt’s and playing Euchre on Halloween (we’ve been doing it the last Thursday of every night, so it’s just a coincidence that this one is also Halloween). I don’t think I’m going to bother with a full costume or anything, but I’ve been thinking about making a little spider brooch to wear or something for the holiday spirit.

Yeah, I don’t really get scared, either. The only movies that have gotten me are Fire in the Sky (1993) and The Stepford Wives (1975)… I also remember the Omen series being pretty good.

Like Key, I’m not sure what my family’s doing for Thanksgiving yet.

I found some really good pumpkin white chocolate muffins at the store earlier! Otherwise, I’ve been daydreaming about making some pumpkin soup, but haven’t gotten around to it. Soups & stews are so good… <3
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Re: Halloween / Fall

Post by mima »

Halloween isn't a big thing here (not to mention Thanksgiving lol) so I don't have plans other than to take an exam. I used to want to go trick-or-treating when I was a child but was never allowed to. :cry: It would have been so much fun.
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Re: Halloween / Fall

Post by Ame »

Halloween is a imported holiday where I live. A lot of people seem to confuse it with carnaval and wear carnaval costumes :lol: Here is Spring btw, so I don't know if the spookiness fit with the season lol

In shops that sell stuff to parties and costumes they sell Halloween themed stuff to try to gain money with the holiday and in schools and language schools they celebrate, but it's not much popular.

Here a similar holiday is Cosmas and Damian in 27/09, where people give candy to kids, but you don't need to wear a costume or anything, and it's during the day so a lot of kids skip school to go get free candy lol Since Cosmas and Damian are saints, protestants don't like the holiday, so they give candy in the children's day on 12/10 (that is also a national holiday because it's also Our Lady of Aparecida day).

Also, most shops don't sell Halloween themed stuff, so they just start decorating/preparing for Christmas after children's day.

There is also the proclamation of republic, which is a national holiday in November, but no one celebrates that lol

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