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What’s your favourite season?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:37 am
by jeji
For me, one of my favourite seasons has to be spring. :)
I enjoy spring because of the weather - it’s not warm but it’s not cold either :lol: and also, my birthday’s in spring.
(I’m a May baby) :P

Tell me what your favourite season is because I wanna know :!:

Re: What’s your favourite season?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:54 am
by mima
My favourite season used to be winter because I loved staying warm inside and avoiding the cold. Now that winter has finished in my country, I'm not so sure! I might have to say autumn instead because it is also not too hot and not too cold. I like seeing the colours of trees slowly change too. We don't get enough leaves falling down to jump in them though.

Re: What’s your favourite season?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:12 am
by CooperationIsKey
Fall, hands down. Not too hot, not too cold, pumpkin spice everything, Halloween... I love it.

Though spring is fun too since all the bugs and other critters are super active which can be interesting!

Re: What’s your favourite season?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:45 am
by kupus
It's hard to decide, I love dressing well in spring and autumn the most but I suffer from a severe lack of energy and will to live the moment the skies are cloudy and the temperatures fall below 12°C. During summer, no matter how sweaty and sticky I am I love being outside and cooling down in the river or the pool, or even the sea... It really depends from which aspect I approach this simple question :? . On the other hand I greatly enjoy freezing temperatures and snow, but the last time we had proper snow was almost a decade ago so winters are just wet, cold and disappointing.

I guess I'm going with summer since I feel full of life during that season!!

Re: What’s your favourite season?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:13 pm
by jeji
I like everyone's opinions about their favourite seasons :)
To be honest. I like all seasons but I prefer spring lol.
I like winter because it's mostly dry and sunny and sometimes snowy, but the weather gets horribly cold (like -15°C cold :o )
I don't really enjoy summer. I'm ok with it being very warm (I gone to Malta for my holiday once and the highest it went was like 41 degress there! :P ) but the thing is, my country experiences what's called a 'monsoon season' at summer.
For autumn or fall (whatever the hell you call it), it's great - the weather gets better, and there's Halloween!
Everywhere you go, it turns orange/red in autumn, and they are my favourite colors too! :D
malta.jpg (66.68 KiB) Viewed 3277 times

Re: What’s your favourite season?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 1:40 pm
by humanfinny
WINTER! and I miss it so much. I had to move about a year ago from a place that could reach -50°C (sorry Americans I am bad at the math...) to a place that barely goes to -5°C. No snow!! Even when winter sucked, it sucked in a nice way. Maybe something in the DNA requires snow, I dont know, but Im craving it. I have some photos from a walk with my family:



Re: What’s your favourite season?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:51 pm
by celestefem
oh, yeah, humanfinny, that’s a crazy change to go through!

where i live, it stays around -30C throughout most of february and the temperatures and wind chills have been getting more extreme, but we’ve also been getting less and less snow every year, which is a real bummer. in fact, all of our seasons have been kinda messed up lately, even just compared to when i was a kid…

my favorite season, though, would probably have to be spring. it’s just so pretty when everything starts to bloom! i have a lilac tree in my front yard and i look forward to seeing her flowers every year.

Re: What’s your favourite season?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 3:33 pm
by humanfinny
celestefem wrote: Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:51 pm oh, yeah, humanfinny, that’s a crazy change to go through!

where i live, it stays around -30C throughout most of february and the temperatures and wind chills have been getting more extreme, but we’ve also been getting less and less snow every year, which is a real bummer. in fact, all of our seasons have been kinda messed up lately, even just compared to when i was a kid…

my favorite season, though, would probably have to be spring. it’s just so pretty when everything starts to bloom! i have a lilac tree in my front yard and i look forward to seeing her flowers every year.
for real! tho -30 sounds like the ideal, cuz -50 was a lil extreme even for me haha. thats a shame about the change, I feel it more with the past years too. cant tell if the seasons really were, season-y back then or we just became conscious of climate change when we got older. spring is awesome, and wow, a lilac tree... i love all purple plants, especially lavender.

Re: What’s your favourite season?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 3:42 pm
by jeji
humanfinny wrote: Sun Oct 01, 2023 3:33 pm
celestefem wrote: Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:51 pm where i live, it stays around -30C throughout most of february and the temperatures and wind chills have been getting more extreme, but we’ve also been getting less and less snow every year, which is a real bummer. in fact, all of our seasons have been kinda messed up lately, even just compared to when i was a kid…
for real! tho -30 sounds like the ideal, cuz -50 was a lil extreme even for me haha. thats a shame about the change, I feel it more with the past years too. cant tell if the seasons really were, season-y back then or we just became conscious of climate change when we got older. spring is awesome, and wow, a lilac tree... i love all purple plants, especially lavender.
I'd freeze to death! I'm not used to it being cold lol :o

Re: What’s your favourite season?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 4:03 pm
by NinAcTi0N
For me, I'm a sucker for summer... even when it's very hot outside, there's nothing like fresh drinks, coconut water and ice cream to keep the cool x]

I personally don't like winter much because it gets very cold and dry where I live - just that dry breeze that's enough to make you sneeze - so I find it a little annoying. fall and spring are nice midterms here too, even if they aren't very noticeable!